Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Zimmermans 911 tapes provided more than enough evidence.

Zimmermans 911 tapes provided more than enough evidence.

I think we all know what Trayvon Martin did, Trayvon walked as fast as he could without running, untill he felt he had no choice to run if he wanted to escape. At some point Trayvon felt he had to run and, he did, running down the cut through between the apartments Trayvon was able to get out of the eyesight of George Zimmerman, once out of the eyesight of George Zimmerman, Trayvon Martin chose a near by patio porch and hid from Zimmerman, never expecting Zimmerman to continue down the path between the apartments. And if Zimmerman had listened to the dispatcher, Trayvon would have been right, but Zimmerman didn't. He continued between those apartments searching for Trayvon Martin, adamant that he was not going to let Trayvon get away. Zimmerman continuing to search for Trayvon passes the patio that Trayvon had sought shelter under, Trayvon see's Zimmerman approaching, and comes out from his hiding spot, knowing or at least feeling he's been cornered and now has no choice but! to confront Zimmerman.Zimmerman sees Trayvon and approaches the patio, Trayvon steps out into the open. According to Trayvon's girlfriend we know Trayvon now questions Zimmerman "Why are you following me" Zimmerman replies "Why are you here?" The two exchange these same questions back and forth esculating the tension with each repitition of the line. Trayvon's girlfriend describes the sound of a push and a struggle, she hears Trayvon's headset fall and a bit of comotion before the line goes dead, she ...